Can I Really Succeed At This?The answers to the "frequently asked questions" below can help you decide if you should join our Watkins team.
What's this business all about, and why would they need someone like me to work from home?Great question. So, let's take it from square one...
Watkins is a respected company that makes natural-based products for health, nutrition, cooking, bath & body, and household cleaning. Families use these kinds of products in their day-to-day lives, but most people just grab whatever brand is on the shelf at the grocery or drug store. Watkins wants to introduce families to the quality and value of Watkins products, and wants to become the prominent brand over competitors. And that's where you come into the picture... Watkins will reward you with immediate profits and monthly bonuses if you help get more families using Watkins products instead of other brands. You can do that by selling products yourself and/or by helping bring other members to the business. And, of course, you can get a nice discount on any Watkins products you want for yourself. The reason Watkins wants you and other normal everyday people to work from home is because social marketing (hearing about something good from another normal person via phone, Facebook, email, or face-to-face) has become more effective than typical ad campaigns. So, instead of spending millions on expensive advertising, Watkins lets normal everyday people earn income and bonuses for helping spread the word about their products and the business. In other words, just by your willingness to try Watkins products yourself and to tell other people about Watkins, you've got more power than a big advertising firm—and Watkins will reward you for it. Pretty cool, huh? I've never had my own business before. What help is available to help me succeed with Watkins?Don't worry, there will be lots of free help available to you. Everyone who joins Watkins is "sponsored" by someone. It may be a person you know, or someone you just met online. Your sponsor will likely be the person who sent you to this website. They'll be available to answer your basic questions and offer friendly encouragement as you get started.
But don't worry if your sponsor is relatively new just like you, or has goals in the business that are more modest than yours. The good news is that all Watkins members get free access to a private, password protected website called This site offers tons of exclusive free coaching, online training, conference calls, business tools, recognition, and encouragement—all provided free by your leaders in Watkins. When you join and get access to all of the free training and support, you can use as much or as little as you want:
What would I be doing?This business is quite simple. You can retail products to customers and earn immediate profits. Or, help other people get started as members and you can earn ongoing bonuses as they build their business. Plus, you get the member's discount on your own purchases, saving your family money. It's easy!
Why is this better than other ways to earn income?This business gives you the ability to earn income while still having complete time flexibility for your family, your full-time career, hobbies, clubs, church, or other things that are important to you. You can begin earning income immediately by retailing products. By introducing others to our business, you can also build a large, ongoing income which continues month after month, even when you're taking time off. You can get the income tax advantages of being a small business owner, which may let you get larger income tax refunds. You won't have any "boss" or any leaders breathing down your neck. You do as much or as little as you want, and you can adjust your level of involvement at any point without needing to explain your decisions to anyone—it's totally flexible. All those reasons make this a perfect way to earn income.
How much can I earn by selling?People just like you have been making a living selling Watkins products for decades. There are many potential customers just waiting for someone to offer them the full line of Watkins products. Some people sell a little to make some extra spending money. Others work their business seriously and sell thousands of dollars in products each month, earning a full-time income.
How much can I earn by sponsoring?Just like the funny video that goes "viral" on Facebook, sharing the Watkins business with others can grow just as quickly. Many people focus on team building, because they feel it is the fastest way to generate the amount of sales necessary to reach their income goals. Over time, the income earned through building a team can be substantial, offering true walk-away residual income.
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